Skin Care

What are broken capillaries?

Broken capillaries are basically the veins present under our skin. When this veins starts occuring reddish in colour and we can see them on the face. This happens when the blood vessel expands. Which is present under our skin. When this blood vessels expands they are called dailuted blood vessels.

It is a harmless condition, medically prooven. If this broken capillaries are increasing in numbers than it is necessary that you meet skin specialist. The way broken capillaries looks on the face, in the same way they are seen in diseases called as, autoimmune disease, vascular male formation, skin scocer etc.

In this diseases also the appearance looks the same. So it is just not possible to notice weather the red spreaded veins present on the skin are really a broken capillaries or any other disease.

How broken capillaries occur?
There are blood vessels present in underour skin. In this vessels blood keeps on flowing and theres a vessel wall, by this vessel wall flow of blood is controlled. This wall is capable for expansion and contraction both. This wall gets expanded when blood flow is high and it gets contracted when flow of blood is low.

If due to any problem the flow of blood becomes high than the vessel wall gets damaged. And the vessel wall stays in expanded form and it is called dailuted vessel. Due to this process the spreaded veins starts forming on our face and they also called broken capillaries.

Broken capillaries can take place due to the sun exposion. Many times this are also seen in pregnancy. Because in pregnancy the pressure of blood is high due to which capillaries occur.

It can be also genetic, if anybody in your family is carrying a type of genes due to which they have got broken capillaries than the chances of causing to you also increases. Use of more alcohol, spicy food, coffee or tea can also cause you broken capillaries.

Pollution in environment can be the other common reason. This are some of the common cases due to which a person can get broken capillaries.

Precautions to be taken.
If you are facing problem of broken capillaries than it is important that you do take care of yourself very much. Avoid going into extreme sun exposion. And if you go use umbrella or any good sunscreen to protect your skin.

Avoid extreme heat and steams. Do not wash your face with hot water instead of that do wash your face with cold water and use soft cotton cloth to wipe your face. Also take care of your daily meal. Avoid junk food and spicy food. Avoid alcohol, segrets, etc.

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