Covid is a very dangerous virus. And the second wave of covid is more dangerous to everyone. It is a viral infection taking place in high numbers. This virus is getting dangerous day by day because with the number of days the number of patients and deaths are also increasing.
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The best way to stay away from corona is the food that we eat. Corona mostly attacks the people whose immunity system is weaker. And the person with the weaker immunity system has high risk of death. To keep yourself safe from corona boost your immunity system.
The best food to take at this time is healthy food. Food containing more nutrients, vitamins, fibers etc. Any disease/ infection/ virus once it takes place, we need to have kenaf capacity to fight with it. Stop eating junk food and start eating pure homemade food.
Home made food is the best to boost your immunity power. Include much of the green vegetables, fruits, salads, fruit juices etc in your daily diet plan this are the best for your health.
Corona is very dangerous to kids and elderly people. To protect them and all your family members follow all the rules made by the government. Stay in home, use masks and sentize after ever 15-20 minutes. Keep your surrounding clean. Keep distance of one hand between two persons.
Once if you got corona virus, dont get panic. Not all person with corona dies. 20./. – 30./. People dies but rest of them recovers. So dont make your mind that youll going to die once if you got corona. The best way to treat corona is stay away from all in a single room.
Make your mind that yes i am going to recover very soon. Take normal medicine of cough and fever. As this virus yet dont have any medicine made for it. Stay carm and happy with your family dont go closer to other people. Ut you can talk to them by keeping few safetys. And eat light food and take more fruits.
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If you do so youll be able to treat it very soon. Dont hospitalise yourself if you are suffering from minor symptoms of corona just treat it at home and quarantine yourself totally in home. The correct time to hospitalise your self is when you get problem in breathing and you need to take oxygen. Till the time be at home and treat your self with positivity.