New PUBG Roadmap 2023 : A warm welcome to my PUBG lovers, today we are going to share with you a long awaited PUBG battlegrounds roadmap. With the opening of the most awaited roadmap , we are going to reveal many interesting and exciting surprises for you guys.

But very firstly let me thank all the PUBG players for the love and support you guys have given throughout the journey of 6 years. On these 6th anniversary of PUBG battlegrounds, PUBG developers have introduced the most awaited and wanted one roadmap for the PUBG players.
With the introduction of these new roadmaps of PUBG, we are going to share with you our developmental goals and plans for 2023. These new roadmaps of PUBG will bring big change into your PUBG game. But for sure the latest changing feature and updates of PUBG roadmap will bring a lot of excitement to your gaming world of PUBG. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
As it’s been 6 years of timeline and these changes were actually the needed one for the PUBG lovers. We hope that you guys will like it and we get your support as in the previous years. The roadmap for 2023 shows the clear goals and plans for the PUBG in game, out game and anti cheat features. Now we will see the details of the PUBG roadmap.
BATTLE ROYALE – New PUBG Roadmap 2023
In the last 6 years various things have changed, such as trends, players and play style. To be very straightforward our plan for 2023 is to conduct a comprehensive review of all the elements. The most used four modes of PUBG are normal match, ranked, tutorial and others containing different rules and regulations.
These four modes need a unique change in themselves, and we intend to make a severe type of connection between all the four modes. This method of change will allow players to switch simultaneously between normal match, ranked and all the other modes on their behalf.
NORMAL MATCH – New PUBG Roadmap 2023
For the year of 2023 the main target is normal match only. The majority believe that a normal match has to prove itself and provide great experience to the players. This is important for engaging the players not into the continuous game and to let them experience a wider variety of gameplay. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
The main focus on normal match is to decrease the stress level of players and increase the enjoyment and interest. The previous normal match is considered to be full of stress as the competitive elements were comparatively low. Keeping in mind, in 2023 the changes are provided according to the increasing of enjoyment. To put great enjoyment in the variety of content is provided through improving the item/blue zone/vehicle spawn rates and through adding a new revive system too. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
RANKED – New PUBG Roadmap 2023
Ranked mode is considered to be the most sensitive mode of PUBG. Hardly few changes are being done in the ranked mode. The changes are as follows. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
- All the existing 8km maps will be applied to the ranked.
- New maps will be added immediately after the stabilization. Map rotation system should be used as per in the normal match and do start with the low probability.
- You’ll get to see the same items and features that were seen before in the normal match. For example, blue zone, grenades, folded shield, emergency pickup etc.
- Also the weapons and equipments will be introduced which are commonly used in the normal match.
- To attract players towards the ranked and let them feel the playing ranked exciting the rewards for ranked will be enhanced.
MAP ROTATION – New PUBG Roadmap 2023
Map rotation system is only given to the normal match and ranked. For the normal match first, five maps were available in shorten rotation and then previous month cycle. But than the issues arise were that the rotation cycle period was too long for the players. Looking at this issue the rotation cycle will be changed to shorter period to give access to the players for playing their favourite maps.
The larger and smaller sized maps will be included in the eight map rotation. Whereas the erangel and sanhok will remain fixed. But now it’s decided that all the maps will be included and only five maps will be oprated by us to prevent the negative effects on the matchmakings.
For ranked, over a season, four maps will will rotated after every two months. Instead of applying all the maps together, we have thought of adjusting the probability of maps simultaneously. To experience maps played in the esports erangel, miramar and tiago are fixed maps in 2023. Playing the same maps regularly decrease the interest of players in the game. Where’s players prefer to play different maps according to their preference, because there are many options available. New PUB Roadmap 2023
GUNPLAY – New PUBG Roadmap 2023
Into the gunplay certain changes have been done, by providing several options in the weapon imbalances and enhancing non meta weapons. This change has been put for the slight change in the game and lets players enjoy the game with diverse gunplay.
The overall goal of the gunplay in 2023 is to achieve balance between 5.56mm and 7.62mm weapons. We are trying to bring a quick change into the weapon tiers, to do so we have split the AUG. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
Another interesting change is being brought by bringing the care package at the exclusive locations. The single and burst rounds have been increased per minute of non meta weapons. Also we are going to add weapons to provide a strategic choice to the players. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
In the whole PUBG battlegrounds game, MAP plays the most important role. Maps are the most effective element of PUBG in creating fun and great environments l, Also it shows the status of how long the players are going to enjoy the gameplay.
This calculation is being done on the basis of previous maps of PUBG. Taego and Deston maps of PUBG got a lot of positive responses from all over the world. Thus the map’s concept is being considered to be the crucial part of the equation. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
In 2023 we are grateful to introduce our brand new map ‘neon’. The creation of Neon is based on a place located on the earth, that combines modern and traditional element together. Neon is going to present the biggest challenges, that players have ever faced before in the history of the PUBG battlegrounds game.
The mao is going to bring you to such places that provide a really unique atmosphere that has never appeared before in the PUBG. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
There many new and exciting changes in the map, it will provide you several transportation options, ground, air and water. With this we are working hard on the latest gameplay system of Neon, which will change the dynamic of gameplay. Other crucial changes are done by adding new cars, weapons, dynamic weather and cool visuals. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
In the journey of 2023 we are planning to provide a fresh look with the larger scale improvements by adding new spots to our oldest maps Erangel and Miramar maps. Also our plan is to upgrade the scale of updates for the existing maps. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
We are aiming to make all over improvements to the map by adding more details by adjoining the new areas and by improving the old ones. The bigger changes will occur into the southern island. For the Ereangel, changes are being done with keeping caution as it has the symbolic meaning to PUBG. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
TUTORIAL – New PUBG Roadmap 2023
For the tutorials we are going to make the tutorial experience engaging, enjoyable and informative by adding many new and different elements in the gameplay. As the newcomers in PUBG may get overwhelming experience.
This most probably happens with those players who are not much friendly with genre. Keeping in mind we are going to provide you with an interactive and comprehensive experience. While testing the weapons, tactics and gameplay scenarios we’ll provide you with a safe and engaging environment. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
OTHER MODES – New PUBG Roadmap 2023
The expansion of our mode service will provide players with much diverse and attractive experience of gameplay. We’ll introduce you to the future updates that will get you to the new mode of the game. Such as the main mode of reimagined versions like intense battle royale. Which is definitely going to combine the most fun elements from other FPS games.
We are trying our best to prepare for the future PUBG, which will be capable of prospering the game for years and years. Please take care of it, that these things are not yet finalized, if the transition will be possible or not. But we are currently trying to do our best. We are testing out various options and attempting to port one map to the new engine version. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
One of the most recommended features from the PUBG group is world modding and we are totally researching it. World modding will help the players to create and share their own game modes and environments. This work is under construction as the developers are still trying to upgrade these features and if all goes well, this can be the part of the PUBG battlegrounds game.
Out game updates
Very firstly we would like to share with you three important objectives of out game.
- We are planning to make the formula of joining and finding the matches easily for the players.
- We are trying to give you unique social features, reports, progression, and other content that make the out-game experience fun as compared to the in-game experience. So the players must repeat on a regular basis.
- Next we are trying to impose new challenges for players through different systems such as Progressive weapon skins, Passes, the Workshop etc. when the players achieve the elements they needed, they should find a short of satisfaction.
Looking at the free to play service of 2022, we pretend to put great importance on the new, returning, and existing players of PUBG . We aim to look upon the developing Tutorial mode, improving UX/UI, and providing regular updates, in the form of new progressive weapon skins, the Workshop, and collaborative skins. And the most important point was that we got a really good level of feedback from the community.
2023 GOALS
Keeping aside everything and we are now totally focusing on the developing service that is capable of providing support systems to multiple game modes at a time.
We are surely going to expand the out-game experience by forming new, engaging content such as enhanced social features. This will help players to enjoy the gameplay even when they are not on the battlegrounds.
Similarly we are constantly going on improving our existing system. To provide better challenges and fun to the players of PUBG.
We are planning to incorporate different LABS modes in the Arcade as long as possible, by providing an environment where players will get a chance to choose the mode they love to play. Also we aim to put a reward system for mode play. Instant plan is to let players claim points with the help of mode play and they can exchange them for elements.
Clan System
The Clan system is one of the most wanted features by the community. The initial Clan system is going to get us existing Clans from external sources to out-game.
The important items of the Clan system are Clan tags and Clan plates. Your Clan tag and plate will be shown in different areas of in-game, PUBG ID, and other areas. The first release of it may fail to bring many features but we promise to improve on the basis of player feedback.
Survivor Pass
The Survivor Pass is going to get you changes twice in 2023. To make more players to enjoy the pass, we are accepting changes to the reward acquisition structure and by decreasing the difficulty level. With the change in the structure of the Pass, we can upgrade its appeal and by preparing it less challengeable.
Progressive Weapon Skins and Collaborations
We are aiming to upgrade progressive weapon skin in 2023. By adding some latest changes into the game mode.
- New level based effects
- By improving existing skins
- By adding color to the weapons
- By repolishing the weapons
- Re releasing the progressive skins
- By unveiling progressive weapon skins
Anti-Cheat Updates
It is an illegal software to which players are giving continuous feedback from over the years. We are working hard to make sensible changes into the anti-cheat updates from day one. The feature and elements anti cheat provide the PUBG players is just not as expected by them.
In the year 2022 we took lots of new and interesting challenges. And as we all remember very well, in the beginning of the previous year PUBG became a free to play service. This indirectly resulted in the increasing chances of encountering cheaters. Laters we updated several new and safe features.
Zakynthos and other solutions
We are constantly working hard to make the beneficial changes into the zakynthos and anti-cheat. We are going to collaborate with the challenges shown above.we are trying our best to enhance the report system constantly. With it we also reduce the false rate of bans by taking in use of the report trust value system and machine learning technology. The abuses that occur are also resolved by strengthening our measures, abuses such as account renting, account transfer etc.
Hardware Ban
Looking at the current situation we utilized the methods that result in the ban of the accounts. Some players have doubts whether these bans are actually implemented on the cheaters or what actually the plan is. With this implementation of hardware ban the range of cheaters re entry has increased 3 times more than in year 2021.
This clearly indicates that even after having a free to play service we have efficiently suppressed the entry of cheaters. Rather there are hundreds of players still suffering from the inconvenience spread by the illegal software, which is a big issue for the players and since the players are accepting a much better gaming environment and features.
The must-have changes in 2023 will be suppressing reentry, strengthening countermeasures and enhancing communication with the players.
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In 2023 machine learning will go into a wider range of areas, abuse detection, integration with anti-cheat solutions , zykanthos and illegal software usage detection. The straightforward aim is to upgrade the core of technology methods.
Countracting cheaters and strengthening communication
The major plans of PUBG in 2023 is to prevent the device and re-entry of cheaters. Next we plan to delete the concerns, dissatisfaction and distrust totally that players contain while entering the PUBG gameplay. We’ll definitely be in touch with the players, partners and gamers who are interested and affectionate with the game. New Pubg Roadmap 2023
In 2023 we are going to aim at preemptively counteracting, by detecting the inconvenience behavior. These we are not only focusing on the fun enjoyment of the players but also to the security of players gaming world of PUBG. among all the contents mentioned in the latest roadmap some gradually works where some are still at the early stage of mentioning.
For more information on the PUBG gaming world stay tuned with our official websites that provide you with the latest informatives.