7 Best Bundle In garena Free Fire 2023 : Hlo dear garena lovers, today we are going to look upon the 7 best bundle in the garena free fire 2023 online battle royale game. As we know, the garena has hundreds of different types of features.

There are lots of different types of weapons, outfits, characters, bundle etc. today we are going to focus upon the 7 best bundle of the free fire with short descriptions.
You can this claim on garena free fire official website .
Black bunny bundle
black bunny bundle is also called the bunny ringleader bundle and it’s a one new variant available in different colors in the garena free fire. As the black bunny bundle is considered to be the rarest one among all the others. It is a legendary outfit bundle similar to all the other 7 bundle in garena free fire. The only advantage of claiming black bunny bundle is that it adds value to your free fire account.
Best Bundle In Garena Free Fire Is Cobra rage bundle –
Cobra rage bundle is obtained from the cobra ascension event, the motive of the bundle is to collect a large number of cobras in the garena free fire. The best part of the cobra bundle is that it can be seen into the four different colors according to the player’s choice.
The color options players get are red, yellow, blue and purple but to claim the different color of the bundle you need to pay different currencies as advised by the developers. It can be through the diamonds, gold ranks, on purchasing or platinum rank. Finally let me tell you the best part of the cobra bundle, it provides you with an emote lead, an exclusive emote, parachuting animation and arrival animation.
Best Bundle In Garena Free Fire Hip hop bundle
hip hop bundle is again one of the rarest bundle in the garena free fire and it is also a lot much demanding nowadays. Almost each one of them is trying their best to claim the hip hop bundle.
Hip hop bundle is said to be the no.1 in the whole garena free fire game even after becoming the oldest bundle of the free fire. Whenever a player is playing wearing a hip hop bundle the chances of winning increases because the players get the signal of pro players looking at the dress code. So they don’t dare to defeat the pro player.
Bionic vagabond bundle
bionic vagabond bundle comes from the faded wheel free fire. This bundle provides a special effect with the legendary outfit. Special effects such as free fire bionic vagabond bundle to the free fire account. It is a type of bundle that lasts on the servers for very less duration of time in comparison to the diamonds and weapons. In this particular bundle players don’t have to level up to unlock the extra advantages they get in the events.
Bunny Mp4 bundle
bunny bundle is one of the most demanding free fire bundle . It is a rare bundle with bunny faces occupied by famous creators and influencers. Such as TSG Ritik, RAi Star, White 444, Gyan gaming etc. the bunny bundle is again the legendary and rarest outfit. This bundle carries one of the demanding weapon skins so all the players want to claim the bundle at any cost.
7 Best Bundle In Garena Free Fire 2023
Purple criminal bundle
purple criminal bundle was launched during the first and second season of the garena free fire. These rare and demanding bundles are trending into almost each server of the world. Size of the bundle is around 1.1GB and the current version of this bundle is 2.93.1.
Each bundle has its own duration, so this bundle has a duration period of almost 10-12 days. All together there are 5 types of criminal bundle in the free fire game. Purchasing price of the purple criminal bundle will be around 2000-3000 diamonds. 7 Best Bundles In Garena Free Fire 2023
7 Best Bundle In Garena Free Fire 2023
Magma bionicon magic bundle
magma bionicon bundle belongs to the magic cube store and magic cube bundle always adds extra benefits and surprises for free fire players. The looks of this bundle are much more attractive than all the other bundles. If you are thinking of claiming the magma bionicon bundle you must have 100 magic cuba fragments in your free fire account. 7 Best Bundle In Garena Free Fire 2023
Gamers You can see 7 Best Bundle In Garena Free Fire 2023 is above if u want any free diamond then please read this below article
Read Also : Garena Free Fire ALL Server List